What are the major agricultural problems in Bangalore?

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Agriculture is the backbone of Indian Economy as more than 50% of the Indian population depends on farming-industry. Unfortunately, this sector is facing huge problems and the result is not so good for the Indian economy for sure.

Agriculture is the primary occupation in Karnataka through the urbanization is destroying the green in a terrific manner. Bangalore is the IT hub and one of the most important cities in India. The huge number of MNCs, Malls, Corporate houses, IT firms etc make this city the busiest one. The outer body looks good but Bangalore is facing a serious water crisis which is affecting the cultivation and daily life as well. The financial and other related problems are there too. Let’s have a quick look at some serious issues faced by the farmers and agriculture-based industries.

  • Farmers are not getting deserving money. The selling price of the end products are enough high as we all experience this in daily life but the farmers are not getting the proper money which leads to serious poverty.
  • Lack of water is one of the most important issues in recent years.
  • Lack of proper technology and scientific knowledge farmers are facing huge trouble.
  • Lack of green lands is also a great issue. Corporate firms, IT hubs etc are grabbing the green lands too fast. Few lands are left o cultivate.
  • Due to financial problems and lack of technical support farmers are committing suicide or changing their occupation.

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How to get help from the agriculture consultants in bangalore?

The agriculture consultants in bangalore work to safeguard their clients’ businesses or enterprises or agriculture firms to run efficiently and successfully. Clients may include the following:

  • farmers
  • growers
  • landowners
  • conservation organisations
  • public bodies
  • other agricultural businesses in manufacturing and services

The agriculture consultants in bangalore are there to provide the best guidance to solve the major issues of the farmers also they try to do the best within the limited resource. They are the experienced and skilled professionals who can use the technology in cultivation and also plan the marketing strategies to get the best revenue.

Responsibilities of agriculture consultants in bangalore:-

  • visiting clients to identify and evaluate their business and technical requirements.
  • agriculture consultants in bangalore help their clients with business development, planning applications, government grant claims, legislative guidance and new business strategies.
  • collecting and analysing data, crop yield and financial reports to measure the performance of them.
  • the agriculture consultants in bangalore also operate plans accordingly.
  • organising and conducting the field trials to find solutions to clients problems.
  • They are also responsible for planning and implementing the improvements for the client such as using more effective pest control measures or finding more efficient ways to keep livestock.

Without government help and environmental awareness it’s not possible to solve these issues but agriculture consultants in bangalore are there to support the whole thing and monitor to ensure the best result out of it.